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From the Principal’s Desk…

Happy Tuesday Everyone:

Graduation is right around the corner and seniors are gearing up for their final exams. Baccalaureate is this Sunday beginning at 2:00 pm in the PAC. This is a non-denominational service put on by the faith communities from the surrounding towns. This service will be followed by the senior video and a small reception for seniors and their families. Beginning at 3:30 we will begin the awarding of scholarships along with the gold cords and medallions. If your son or daughter is receiving either a scholarship or their gold cord/medallion they would have received an invitation to this event in the mail. We ask that the students RSVP to either Ms. Callan or Mrs. McCarthy to let us know that they will or will not be attending. We often get asked the question that asks how the calculations are made to award a gold cord or medallion. The answer is that we take a look at the grades at the end of the third quarter and based on the student’s GPA we determine if they qualify for either a medallion or cord. Once grades have been posted at the end of the fourth quarter we will again calculate the grades and award cords and medallions to those students who have earned them in the fourth quarter. The awarding of the cords and medallions will take place at marching practice when we’re down at the Augusta Civic Center.

The YES program will begin on Tuesday, June 13th. Attendance is mandatory as this is a graduation requirement. Students are aware of their sessions and will have an opportunity to meet with their teacher(s) on Monday, June 12th after the Underclassman Assembly. Those students who attend MMTC will have a modified schedule beginning June 16th. If they have their own transportation they only need to be at school for their YES program and academic support, if needed. For those students who ride the bus we will find something for them to do while they wait for their YES program to begin.We’re hoping that the weather will cooperate and all out door activities are a go. If at anytime you would like to stop by and see one of the programs in action I would invite you to do so.

Enjoy the week


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