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Student of the Month Awards – June 2017

June 16, 2017

Motivation is a powerful force. For Student of the Month recipients this year and in years’ past, a high level of motivation is without a doubt the characteristic that most defines them. Such is the case with the final winners of the award in the current school year.

Freshman Eve Lilly, sophomore Hunter Smart, junior Lauren Pickett, and senior Tayler Croft received the honor for June.

To describe the qualities each of these students brings to the classroom would be an exercise in redundancy. The truth is they all hold themselves to a high standard when it comes to their academic pursuits. In addition, they are willing to make the extra effort to overcome challenges and refine work they previously completed.

Eve’s teachers praised her for the enthusiasm she brings to the classroom, including an ever-present smile. Along with her own desire to succeed, Eve is a student happy to help classmates with their work

Sophomore winner Hunter is known for his willingness to participate in school activities as well as for his conscientious attitude toward learning.

Lauren, the junior recipient, manages to excel academically while competing as a varsity athlete in three sports seasons, a balancing act that is a tribute to her drive and determination.

Senior Tayler actually received his award a few days before his fellow Students of the Month, getting recognized at the Class of 2017’s last assembly on graduation day last week. Tayler, much like fellow recipient Lauren, achieved academic success while pursuing extracurricular activities – in his case both athletics and competing on the Messalonskee Math Team.

And so the Student of the Month program comes to a close for this school year. But come this fall, a new crop of high-achieving students is sure to be honored and, inevitably, they will be a highly motivated bunch.

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