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MHS Students of the Month – October 2017

Freshman Emma Ketch wanted to create awareness about the Childhood Cancer Campaign  –  but not just among her friends. She wanted to bring greater attention to the cause and so she took steps to make that happen, working with the administration to support a school-wide campaign to wear gold at school one recent Friday in recognition of those battling cancer.

Emma’s effort is one reason she was named the freshman Student of the Month for October. She joined four other students, including the September junior class winner who could not be present for last month’s ceremony, at the monthly assembly in the Performance Arts Center.

As Messalonskee Principal Paula Callan said, “It goes without saying that this young lady is a take charge kind of gal.”

But then to a certain degree, the same could be said of all the Student of the Month recipients; they all in their own way take responsibility for their education and try to make a positive impact at Messalonskee.

Sophomore winner Dylan Mercier is one of the most enthusiastic students to be found at the high school. On a given day, he might be singing and dancing when he enters the classroom or helping a classmate who is struggling with an assignment.

Wade Carter and Noah Cummings, the junior class recipients for September and October respectively, are students who combine strong values with leadership qualities. Wade took the initiative to ensure that students in Mrs. McLaughlin’s class participated fully in the Homecoming Pep Rally relay competitions, while Noah leads by example in the classroom, always taking a serious attitude regarding his learning.

As for the senior class, Derrick Butler stands out for both his bowling skill – he recently qualified and competed in a national tournament in Ohio – and his genuine concern for classmates. Derrick often volunteers to help fellow students with their work. He also energizes the academic atmosphere on a regular basis through his efforts to drive class discussions.

The school also recognized the following Messalonskee Mid-Maine Technical Center Students of the Month at the assembly: Abbey Prescott, medical careers; Dean Simpson, information technology; and Sydney Orcutt, mass media communications.

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