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RSU18 Content

Principal’s Pen


It’s an exciting time of the year to be an EAGLE. Our girl’s soccer team will host their quarter final play-off game today at 3:00 over at Thomas College against Edward Little, our field hockey team will play Skowhegan in the regional championship game on Tuesday night at 7:00 pm up at Hampden Academy and our football team will host Brewer this Friday night for their quarter final game. Our band is gearing up for their concert which will be this Tuesday night at 7:00 pm in the PAC, our math team continues to practice in preparation for their next meet, the drama students are rehearsing for their fall performance which will be in November and the robotics team is gearing up for their season.

First quarter grades will close on November 1st. Just a reminder that we do not mail home report cards to all students, only those who have lost senior privileges or are placed on the ineligibility list. If you would like to receive a hard copy of your son/daughter’s report card we would be happy to mail one to you. All you have to do is call the main office, 465-7381, and let either Mrs. McCarthy or Mrs. Dube know that you would like a report card mailed home.

As mentioned in a previous posting, this week is a very busy one for the district. There will be four public hearings held throughout the communities to discuss the upcoming November referendum. These forums are an opportunity for you to become more informed, ask questions, and show support. While the bond itself is a lot of money and many are concerned about the impact the passing will have on their personal budgets, specifically taxes, I encourage you to read the attached document that outlines where and how the money will be spent. Specific to the high school we need to update our labs so that students have access to the latest equipment and are learning in an environment that supports their academic endeavors. This is one example of how the money outlined in the bond will help students at MHS. I also believe it is important to support the well-being of all of our students inside and outside the classroom. Many have said that we don’t need a “football field”, what I would like to clarify is that this is not just a football field. This is a new complex that will allow us to become ADA compliant, it will allow our students the opportunity to compete on an even playing field with their peers from other high schools. Our track and field athletes have not had a home meet for more than two decades. Our physical education and health classes can stay on campus for their outdoor fitness rather than walk the loop from the high school down to the middle school and back up High Street.  Community, members of all ages  will have access to a safe (well lit, flat surface) fitness area. The young adults, our students, are what make our communities proud and I know that you support them. Never has this been more evident than at the state basketball championships when one whole side of the Augusta Civic Center was filled with community members or when the Performing Arts Center seating capacity was maxed out for a concert. Please consider attending one of the public hearings and supporting the November Bond Referendum.

Monday, October 23rd- China Primary School, 6:00 pm

Tuesday, October 24th- James Bean School, 6:00 pm

Wednesday, October 25th- Belgrade Central School, 6:00 pm

Thursday, October 26th- Messalonskee High School, 6:00 pm

Thank you to all who have contributed food items for our food pantry. Not only do you support the students of Messalonskee High School you support the entire community. We are often called upon to help out a family from one of the other schools and can do so with your help.

Enjoy the week!



RSU Referendum Information

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