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Nicholas Alexander Serves as Maine Legislature Page

Messalonskee sophomore Nicholas Alexander, a self-avowed political junkie, traveled down to Augusta last week to experience firsthand the world he loves.

As a guest of state representatives Mike Perkins of Oakland and Gary Hilliard of Belgrade, Alexander, who has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair, got to serve as a page in the Maine House during the legislature’s Thursday session.

“I had to run around,” Alexander said excitedly “I had to drive my chair like a maniac.”

Not that Alexander is complaining. Ever since Donald Trump became president, Alexander’s interest in politics has grown to National Debt proportions.

“Before 2016 I didn’t even really pay attention to (politics),” he said, “but now that he has been elected, I pay a lot of attention to it. I even watch the U.S. Senate on TV sometimes.”

Nicholas Alexander’s father, Keith Alexander, said his son loves to talk politics, especially to one of his relatives who shares his passion for the subject. Alexander said his son was thrilled over his experience at the Maine House.

While he attended the full two-hour legislative session, Nicholas Alexander said his active work as a page was limited to 20 minutes. Nevertheless, he treasured those 20 minutes and plans to keep up to date on the daily doings of his favorite politician, including Pres. Trump’s regular tweets on Twitter.

Alexander said he enjoys those tweets and thinks they are an effective way for Trump to fight back against the media. Still, Alexander said he disapproved of Trump’s recent tweet about being in charge of a much larger nuclear arsenal than North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. That tweet, he said, was not a good idea.

Soon, possibly this spring, Alexander might be off to another adventure in politics. Keith Alexander said Bruce Poliquin, Maine 2nd district congressman, has invited his son to travel to Washington D.C. to visit the White House.

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