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MHS New Safety Protocols

February 23, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The world we live in today cannot be compared to the one we grew up in. When we went to school we knew we would be safe and that no one would interrupt our learning. Today, our students live in a world where that sense of security has been taken away and the uncertainty of what’s around the corner can be frightening.

A few of you have reached out over the last couple of days to share your concerns around the safety of students and staff at MHS. I, too, have had an opportunity to reflect upon the security plans we currently have in place and have thought about what we need to do in addition to these plans.

Moving forward we will be locking all doors from 8:15-2:30. Students will only have access to the building by entering through the main doors or the doors down by the athletic office. Anyone arriving after 8:15 will need to be dropped off at the main entrance, as they will have to access the buzzer system to be let in. This will be a change in the daily routine of our students and we understand that it will take some time to get use to.

Students will no longer be permitted to hangout in the parking lot during lunchtime. Anyone who needs to leave campus for an appointment, college class or senior privileges may do so without having to check out as this has been common practice. However, for those students who need to retrieve a personal item from their vehicle must check in at the main office before leaving.  This will help us improve the frequent gatherings that take place during unstructured time.

While teachers are visible throughout the building I have asked that they make every attempt to be present in the hallways before and after a class. I know that students feel more comfortable when there is an adult presence close by.

Additional changes that we have talked about include closing the portable building at the end of this school year and adding a second set of double doors in the main lobby area, which would add another layer of security. These are plans that require time to implement but are certainly on the table for discussion.

When students return to school we will be holding a full school meeting to discuss the changes with them. We will also be conducting our lock-down drills, as they are another layer of safety that is very important. The first drill will be announced as I wish to review with students what they should do in this type of situation and a second, unannounced one, will follow in the days to come.

Thank you to those who have reached out and shared your concerns. It is our belief that everyone should feel safe at MHS and we will do whatever we can to ensure that they have a positive and safe educational experience.

Paula Callan

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