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MHS National School Walkout Day

March 9, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians of MHS Students:

On Wednesday, March 14th at 10:00 am, there will be a National Walkout throughout the nation’s schools. This walkout is in response to the tragic incident that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

The Student Council of Messalonskee High School will lead the walkout here at MHS. The focus of the walkout will be on remembering the seventeen victims rather than making this about the national gun debate. While the students are very concerned about school safety and the senseless acts of violence that are going on in our nation’s schools they felt it was important to not forget those whose lives were taken on February 14th.

The staff and administration are aware of the students desire to participate in the walkout and are supportive of their movement. This will be a voluntary event and no student or staff member who wish to participate will be penalized in any way. The 17 minutes that the students will be out of their class will be a learning experience that will impact their lives for years to come and we support their participation. For those who wish to participate, as this is not a mandatory event, they will gather on the access road (weather permitting). Should the weather be inclement the walk-out will move to the gymnasium.There will be a police presence along with the building level administration.

Should you have any questions please feel free to reach out to either Mr. Bowers, Mr. Dunbar, or myself. Also, should you wish to join us during the walkout we would welcome your participation. We would only ask that you register at the main office as a guest.


Paula Callan                Colby Charette
Principal                Student Council President

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