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Principal’s Pen: March 26th

Good Evening:

Finally the signs of Spring are making their way to our community: robins, increased daylight, and the dreaded mud. Hopefully, our winter woes have moved on and we’re on the right path to more enjoyable weather and happier spirits. The spring sport’s season is in full swing with student athletes trying out and practicing.

There are a couple of important dates to bring to your attention. On April 5th all third year students will take the Science Augmentation test. This is a supplemental test that is administered prior to the SATs.  Then on April 10th all third year students will take the SATs. This test lasts approximately 4.5 hours and will be administered by teachers and support staff. We will make sure that those students who wish to have a bagged lunch that day will receive one. It is not uncommon for parents to dismiss their son/daughter at the completion of the testing period as the student are tired after sitting for so long. While I would prefer that they stay in school I understand the need to dismiss them. If dismissing your student is something that you will be doing please call the main office and we will release them as soon as the testing session is over. We are unable to call into a testing room and therefore the students being dismissed will have to wait until everyone is done before they can leave the room. Thank you in advance for your understanding with this protocol.

Third quarter grades will close this Friday. Students will begin signing up for their YES (Yes End Studies) selections in the next week or two. Mr. Dunbar will be meeting with all freshmen as well as new students to MHS to introduce them to this program. We try very hard to get the students into their first or second choice but when openings are limited we make sure to reach out to the student to walk them through other options. I would invite anyone who would like to see the program in action to swing by the high school during June 14th-June 20th. On June21st (which is a half day) the students will be presenting to their peers what they learned during YES and parents are welcome to attend.

We have many students who have not turned in their course registration form for the 2018-2019 school year. If you get a chance would you please check in with your son/daughter to make sure that they have turned their form in to the guidance office. If they have misplaced the original form they may pick one up in the office as well.

As we move into the budget season I would extend an invitation to anyone who would like to come and be a participant in the process. As a parent of a student(s) who attends school in RSU 18 it is important for us as a school community to hear from you with regards to what you think is in the best interest of all students when it comes to making budget recommendations. There are 2 public hearings scheduled for May-the first one is May 1st at China Middle School beginning at 6:00 and the second one is on May 2nd at Messalonskee Middle School beginning at 6:00. The District Budget Hearing will take place on May 17th at MHS and the Budget Validation Voting will take place on June 12th.

While the weather may be improving we want our families to know that if we can provide assistance in any way please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are fortunate that we live and work in such a supportive community and the resources that we have available for students and families go year round.

Enjoy the week


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