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MHS Students of the Month – March 2018

The announcement of the first Student Council Students’ Choice Award winner highlighted the March Student of the Month assembly. Fellow students cheered and clapped as Marc Cote stepped onto the Performing Arts Center stage to be recognized with other Student of the Month recipients.

“This month’s student,” Messalonskee Principal Paul Callan said in talking about Cote, “is somebody who says hello to everybody in the hallway, is always smiling, and has an ability to bring happiness and a level of lightheartedness into the school.”

As for the traditional Student of the Month selections, the March winners were freshman Matthew Parent, sophomore Salvatore Caccamo, junior Emily Giguere, and senior Nick Poulliot.

Parent strives to excel both on the basketball court and in the classroom, a student who sets high academic standards for himself and takes a conscientious approach to everything he does, according to his teachers. He also is known as a positive person.

The teacher who nominated Caccamo called the sophomore “a joy to have as a student” in that he is always respectful and responsible. But even more important, the teacher said Caccamo brings a determination to grow as a student. When he revises an assignment, Caccamo makes sure to make substantive changes that truly improve the work.

Giguere, the junior winner, can often be found working at various Greenhouse Club projects, including a composting initiative that she contributes to after school on a regular basis. Giguere also is a dedicated student academically. Callan said, “While Emily tends to be one of the quieter students, she is always ready with a response in class and willing to join the conversation when called on.”

Senior recipient Poulliot is a three-season athlete who also volunteers his time with the Unified basketball team.  Callan said the three teachers who nominated Poulliot emphasized the student’s willingness to “help in anyway,” including scouting college sports practices to learn new strategies and techniques. “This young man is definitely a leader,” Callan said. “He also is kind, patient, and enthusiastic.”

Messalonskee once more had a Mid-Maine Technical Center Student of the Month as well. Senior Gabe Derbyshire was recognized for his efforts in the culinary arts program.


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