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Principal’s Pen: September 24-27

Happy Fall:

The portal for scheduling Parent/Teacher Conferences will open this Wednesday at 8:00 am. The location of the portal can be found in two places: the Guidance Department website as well as the high school’s website. The dates and times for the conferences are: October 3rd (5-8 pm) and October 4th (3-6:30 pm). We hope that you are able to pop in and see your son’s/daughter’s teachers during this time. If you are not available and would like to meet with the teachers you can always email the teacher directly and request another time to meet.

As of last week we have implemented our new attendance calling system. If your student is absent from their period 1 class, advisory and/or period 2 class you will receive an automated call letting you know that your son/daughter is absent from class. To date we have received positive feedback and in most cases we have been able to make changes to the student’s attendance for that date (moving an AU to an AE).

Tardies to first period are starting to become an every day habit for some of our students. For many, the tardiness is impacting the grade in their first period class. It is important for students to stop by the main office to get a pass to class if they are late so that the tardiness can be coded correctly (excused or unexcused). We recognize that there are many road construction projects impacting the arrival times for students and hope that they will be completed in the very near future.

Tomorrow is an early release day and all students will be dismissed at 11:30. Buses will arrive at 12:00 to transport students home.  When planning ahead I wanted to let you know that October 5th is a No School Day.

Enjoy the week


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