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RSU18 Content

Principal’s Pen: October 1st-5th

Good Morning:

While this is only a four day week there is much going on at MHS. This Wednesday (5-8) and Thursday (3-6:30) we are hosting our first semester Parent/Teacher Conferences. There is still time to sign up by going to either the High School webpage or the Guidance Department’s homepage where you will find a link that will allow you to sign up for conferences. If you are unable to come to either one of those nights please feel free to contact the teacher directly to set up another time to meet.

This Friday, October 5th is a non-student day. This will give students and families more time to enjoy the long holiday weekend.

On October 10th students will be participating in a variety of events. The freshmen class will be attending the H.E.A.R. program in our PAC. The Helping Everyone Achieve Respect is being presented by Sgt. Robbins of the Army Reserves. The intent of the program is to create a culture within the school that promotes respect for all and to decrease the chances of bullying and/or harassment from happening. After this presentation the class has been divided into 4 groups and they will rotate through 3 other presentations: relieving stress through art, improvisational theater (role-playing certain scenarios and deciding how to handle uncomfortable social situations) and finally, physical movement through an activity yet to be confirmed. The sophomores and juniors will be participating in the PSAT testing for most of the day. This assessment will help students prepare for the SATs which all 3rd year students must take in the spring. At the conclusion of the freshman activity as well as the testing session all students, with the exception of seniors, will be attending a modified class schedule. And finally, the seniors have the day to either work on their community service hours, visit a college, job shadow or participate in career exploration. The first 3 options are not new to the seniors but the fourth option is. This year we are trying to expose our students to career options that are available to them around the State. The first visit will take place on the 10th of October and the destination is Sabre Yachts in Raymond. This is a company that is looking for all types of skilled workers as the demand for customized boats is increasing. The seniors were given a planned absence form (which is attached to this memo) which they are to indicate what they are planning to do on the 10th. The deadline for returning the completed form is this Wednesday. Please reach out to either your student’s counselor or an administrator is you have any questions.

Enjoy the week


Senior Plan for 10_10_18(1)

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