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Principal’s Pen: October 8-12


We would like to congratulate our September Students of the Month. Kimberley Spears has been chosen as the Freshman Student of the Month. Kimberley is very involved in the school community (started a Dungeons and Dragon Club) as well the Sidney community (she created a lending library for the citizens of Sidney). The Sophomore Student is Lily Wilkie. Lily is a positive role model for students in her academic classes. She is not one who will shy away from class discussions. Ella Nash, the Junior Student of the Month, brings a high level of energy to her classes every day. She makes an effort to help those in her classes who could use a little support. And finally, our Senior Student of the Month is a kind and welcoming young lady. Edin Sisson has a way of making all students feel comfortable in their classes. One additional award, the Students’ Choice Award, which is sponsored by the Student Council, selects a student who exhibits what it means to be a good school citizen. This month’s recipient is Kaitlyn Berthiaume. Kaitlyn has been the lone cheerleader on the sidelines at all of the football games this season. While she has indicated that she is nervous each time she is out in front of the crowd you wouldn’t know it by watching her. Congratulations to all recipients!

Just a reminder that the seniors are not expected to be in school tomorrow, October 10th. They have the option of visiting colleges, job shadowing, performing community service or taking part in a career exploration field trip. Their planned absence forms were to be handed in today in order for their absence to be counted as excused. I will certainly take any completed forms through tomorrow morning. Sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSATs while the freshmen will be participating in a series of mini-workshops.

The Messalonskee All Sports Boosters will be meeting tonight at 6:00 pm in the library at MHS. This is a group that supports all athletic programs at MHS and they could use your help in keeping their mission alive. If you have a son/daughter who is a member of a team here at the high school and you have some time that you could volunteer to help them out (such as working in one of the concession stands, participating in one of their fundraising activities) please consider attending tonight’s meeting.

On October 16th Mid-Maine Technical Center is hosting a fundraising event at Portland Pie in Waterville. The event runs from all day and 10% of your bill will be donated to MMTC Scholarship Fund. I have attached their flyer for you to use when participating in this event.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxpd-e41aK6UcUNFb1VTOFozU1N6UTdtT2cxQWJWdHNJLWtJ/view

Thank you to all who were able to join us for Parent/Teacher Conferences. While we recognize that 15 minutes is sometimes not enough time to meet with the teachers we would encourage you to reach out to your son/daughter’s teachers if you would like additional time to meet with them. Email is the easiest and most efficient way of connecting with the staff and I know that they will respond to your request within a reasonable amount of time.

Enjoy the week


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