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Principal’s Pen: October 29- November 2nd

Good Morning:

How about those Red Sox?! Now that the series is over perhaps we can regain all the sleep we lost watching them play.

Grades will close this Friday. We hope to have report cards ready for distribution next Friday. We will hand them out to students in advisory. For those students who have failed a course(s) and are academically ineligible we will mail their report cards home. If a student receives an incomplete in any of their classes they will have 2 weeks from the date that grades closed (Nov. 2nd) to make up their work. Those arrangements will need to be made with the classroom teacher.

The x-country team had a very successful state meet last Saturday. Running in that miserable weather proves that they have grit and determination to see the race through to the end. The girl’s soccer team will be playing Camden this Wednesday in the regional final game. Play will begin at 2:30 at Camden Hills High School. There will be a $5.00 fee for adults and students are free. LET’S GO EAGLES!!!

All students who have turned in their permission form for the Flu Clinic this Wednesday will be bused down to the middle school following the Student of the Month assembly. They will also be bused back to the high school once everyone has been cleared.

Thank you to Ethan Lahaye, Tara Seymour, Erick Bennett and Kayla Koroski for the new mural that has been painted in the Fast Break Cafe. Fast Break Cafe If you’ve never experienced a breakfast treat from the Cafe I would encourage you to drop in some morning. The Cafe is open on white days during period 1 (8:00-9:00) and the only thing we ask is that you check in at the main office before heading down to the cafe.

Enjoy the week


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