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Principal’s Pen: November 26-30

Good Morning:

Well Mother Nature sure doesn’t want to cut us a break. While the snow is beautiful when it is falling the clean-up can prove to be challenging. To date we have used 2 snow days and have had one early release day (and we’re not even in to December yet).

We have an Early Release Day next Tuesday (December 4th) and students will be dismissed at 11:30. On Wednesday, December 5th the seniors will have a class meeting with the Josten’s rep to order caps and gowns for graduation. There is no cost to the seniors as both items are covered in their class dues. If your son/daughter is not able to attend the meeting we will have extra packets available outside the main office.

On December 7th the district’s Wellness Committee is showing the Polar Express for children of all ages. It is free to the public and will be held at MHS in the Performing Arts Center. I have attached a brochure for more information. Polar Express

You may have read in recent weeks that the Department of Education has released the assessment scores for last year’s SAT exam. MHS students showed growth in all 3 content areas: Science, English, and Math. Our students exceeded the state average in all 3 areas as well (meaning that their scores were either at or above state expectations). This year the exam will be administered to all third year students on April 9th. The Science Augmentation test will be administered on April 4th.

We are working out the kinks with the calling system that informs you of snow days. In the future only those with whom the student lives will be receiving the calls that school has been canceled. We have heard from many who are the emergency contacts that they do not wish to receive those early morning calls and so our tech team is working on changing the protocol.

We hope that you enjoy the week


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