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MHS Students of the Month – November 2018

Messalonskee High School started its Student of the Month assembly four years ago and perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the program is that the high quality of the recipients never wavers in the least.

That certainly is the case with the most recent winners. Freshman Dynah Zimba, sophomore Kasen Sirois, junior Lauren Bourque, senior Sarah Kohl, and Student Choice selection Alysan Rancourt all exhibit the exemplary behavior and values the award honors.

Diane belies her age in the maturity she shows as a freshman. Along with being diligent about her academic work, Diane is a thoughtful, considerate person who goes out of her way to form relationships with classmates of all descriptions. Whatever the classroom challenge, she is sure to persevere and give her best effort.

Kasen, the sophomore recipient, is known for his reliability. He is sure to be in class when teachers take attendance, and he also can be counted on to participate in whatever activity takes place in class and that any assignments he turns in will be of the highest quality.

Junior winner Lauren makes clear her caring nature through her actions. She spearheads the annual Valentines for Veterans initiative and is also a member of Key Club, a service organization dedicated to doing good deeds. As a student, Lauren couples a serious attitude toward her academics with a good sense of humor.

Busy is probably the best way to describe Sarah, the senior recipient. Along with being an exemplary student academically, Sarah is involved in both co-curricular and extracurricular activities. And yet, whatever Sarah does or achieves, her focus is on performing the task well, not receiving accolades for her efforts.

The same could be said of Alyson, the Student Choice award winner. Alyson is all about helping others. She devotes one day a week to volunteer at the library and can also be found at local concerts serving as a volunteer accompanist drummer.

Two Messalonskee students also received recognition as Students of the Month at Mid-Maine Technical Center: Jayden Lenfestey for early childhood education and Alex Jackson for automotive collision repair.

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