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Principal’s Pen: March 18-22

Happy Spring Everyone:

The end is in sight! Students have begun to sign up for the Y.E.S. Program (Year End Studies). There are many unique learning opportunities for students to participate in during the last week of school. Some may wonder if this program is mandatory and the response is yes. It is part of the school year and has been for the last 3 years. We have received positive feedback from both students and staff regarding this program. Many find it a stress free way to end the school year and others find it to be a great way to try things that they might not normally sign up for. Parents are more than welcome to come and visit school during that time.

Congratulations to the following MHS students who competed in the Maine Skills competition. Two of our students, Parker Brunelle and TJ Petrillo earned gold medals and will move on to the National Skills competition at the end of the school year.

Gold Medal:

Parker Brunelle: Cabinetmaking

TJ Petrillo: Mobile Robotics

Silver Medal:

Kody King: Mobile Robotics

Bronze Medal:

Ryan Plante: Automotive Collision Repair

Clayton Hoyle: Audio/Radio Production

Noah Cummings: Cabinetmaking

Cassidy Day: Medical Math

Thank you to all who attended this year’s Empty Bowl Dinner. It was a huge success and as such the local food banks will benefit from the money that was collected. We really need to recognize Mrs. Perrino, Ms. Burton, Ms. Damon and the many volunteers who donated a great deal of time and energy. I believe that this was the best attended dinner in recent years.

Just a reminder that March 26th is an Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 and the buses will be here to transport students home at 12:00.

On April 12th we will be holding our Athletic Complex Celebration. Attached is an outline of what we will doing to celebrate the opening of our sports complex. We hope that you, along with your family, will be able to attend this celebration.Athletic Complex Celebration

On March 26 and 27 Mr. Gartley will be presenting the 2019-2020 budget to both the School Board and members of the community. Both meetings will start at 6:00 pm and will be held at MMS. Please join us if you are able as this is an opportunity to ask questions about the budget and the budget process.

And finally, I would like to congratulate Hanna Lavenson as she represented MHS at last week’s State Poetry Out Loud competition. She did a great job and represented MHS with the utmost level of confidence and finesse. Our own MHS Jazz Band provided music before and during the intermission of this same event.

Enjoy your week


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