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Principal’s Pen: September 16-20

Hello Everyone:

My apologies for the late report this week. We are in the throws of preparing for our upcoming accreditation visit which will take place Sunday, September 22- Wednesday, September 25th. As soon as we receive the final report from the committee, which could be as late as the beginning of next year, we share the results with you on-line.

Just a reminder to turn in the free and reduced lunch forms as soon as possible. This year’s expectation is that you return the form to us whether or not your student qualifies. If you need another form please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will be happy to send another one home. If you know that you will not qualify you can always call the main office, 465-7381, and let either Mrs. Dube or Mrs. Caouette know.

Our annual flu clinic is coming up on October 3rd. All students will be bringing home information as well as permission slips that will require your signature if you wish for them to receive the vaccination. Our students will travel down to MMS, transportation will be provided, to receive their shots. If you have any questions please reach out to our school nurse, Kim Murphy, at 465-7381, ext. 4518.

Homecoming will be held the week of September 30-October 5th. On Monday, September 30th we will kick off the week with a pep rally followed by the parade which will begin at 6:00 pm. The parade will make it’s way through town and end at the high school where students, families, and community members are invited to sit in the bleachers as we recognize all the fall sports athletes and members of the coaching staff. We will also hold a tug-of-war contest between the different athletic teams down on the football field. Please join us in celebrating EAGLE PRIDE! I am looking for a few parents of freshmen students to help decorate their float Monday afternoon (Sept. 30th, 3:00 pm student parking lot). Once the week’s schedule is finalized I will share it with you through the Principal’s Pen. The homecoming dance will be held on Saturday, October 5th from 8-11 in the gym. Anyone planning to invite a guest from another high school needs to fill out a guest form and return it to Mr. McLaughlin no later than 12:30 on October 2nd. Just a reminder that we do not permit middle school students nor students over the age of 20 to attend our dances.

I hope you are able to get out and enjoy one of the many events taking place throughout the fall. Students coaches, and teachers really appreciate your support.

Enjoy the week


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