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MHS student of the month September 2019

The Messalonskee High School tradition of recognizing outstanding students continued this week as four students received honors during the new school year’s first Student of the Month assembly.

Freshman Sophie Mihm, sophomore Alexis Dostie, junior Andrew Mayo, and senior Mackie Mayo stepped onto the Performing Arts Center stage to receive their award.

Sophie is known as a student always willing to share her unique perspective with classmates. She is also a gifted writer who excels at crafting strong argument essays. Her most impactful trait, however, might be the positive energy and love of learning she brings to the classroom, a quality that makes academics more fun and enjoyable to everybody involved.

Sophomore winner Alexis is another student with an upbeat and cheerful attitude.

Responsible and highly motivated, Alexis is a goal-oriented person who invariably goes above and beyond expectations whatever the assignment or task, a testament to her character and maturity.

Andrew, the junior SOM recipient, is another remarkably mature student. Whatever the class, he comes prepared and ready to learn, and he does so at an optimum level whether working independently or with others. He also manages to succeed as a student despite taking challenging courses and participating in sports and other extracurricular activities.

Some students give up when faced with a difficult challenge. Not senior winner Mackie Mayo. She embraces the challenge and makes use of all the resources at her disposal to overcome whatever problem she faces. She also manages to balance successfully a daunting number of responsibilities beyond academics, including playing volleyball and basketball and participating in both Math Team and Student Council. In addition, teachers and classmates alike appreciate her kind heart and sense of humor.

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