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Principal’s Pen: October 7-11


Attention parents of seniors. On October 16th all seniors will have that day off . This is the day that all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be taking the PSATS. There are expectations around what they should be doing on this day: community service, college visits and completion of college applications as well job shadowing. I have provided you with the link for the form that needs to be completed and turned in to the main office prior to the 16th.Senior Planned Absence

A reminder that there is no school this Friday, October 11th, as well as Monday, October 14th.

Parent/Teacher conferences are this Wednesday (5:00-8:00) and Thursday (3:00-6:30). The link for signing up is www.signupgenius.com/tabs/23673DC06A1CEECC06-ptconferences. If you find that you are unable to sign up using this link please reach out to Mrs. Pettengill in the guidance office and she will be able to help you out.

Thank you to all who made Homecoming 2019 a successful one. All who participated seemed to have a really good time. The hallways were filled with festive colors and the daily spirit competitions were exciting and creative. Some are already planning ahead to next year.

I wanted to share with you a few of the comments that the co-chair of the NEASC visiting committee shared with us upon his departure from MHS. “Let me tell you some some things about Messalonskee High School that you may or may not know. First, this is a friendly place. How many times in our four days here do you think we have heard or said that? Second, MHS is an authentic place- “authentic” is the by-word for the nature of people who populate Messalonskee High School. Third, this is as intuitive a faculty as we have met. Friendly plays a huge part in making this a pleasant, happy place. Friendship among the citizens of MHS contributes mightily to the climate here. Authentic sets the tone for saying that when we meet people at MHS, we know that we are seeing them as they are. We sensed your true desire to let us see and understand you as a school community. This is an intuitive group. You have many wonderful instincts for working with kids. Not all decisions work out as we expect, and trusting intuition without appropriate planning can leave us without an anchor. Yet, your innate understanding of the value of kids, and what kids value, helps you to provide the solid foundation of educational values for the students of Messalonskee High School. You have worked hard to build a good program here. You have tried to give your students as  many educational and life experiences as you can. Clearly you want your young EAGLES to leave MHS with the tools to succeed in their life purposes”. What are the next steps? The visiting committee’s report will be sent to the NEASC commission and they will read all that was gathered. They, the commission, will then vote as to whether we receive full accreditation status or some other type of accreditation. As soon as they release their final report I will be sharing it with the MHS community at large.

Enjoy the week and the long weekend


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