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Principal’s Pen: October 28-November 1

Hello All:

Well we made it through a five day week and are heading into our second one in a row. Thank you to all who participated in the Super Hero T-shirt fundraiser on Friday. We raised over $300.00 which will be combined with all monies collected in RSU18 and sent to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Maine Medical Center.

This is a rather light week with activities. Tonight we have our first band concert of the year beginning at 7:00 pm in the PAC. If you have had an opportunity to hear our band play in the past you know that you are never disappointed in their performance. We are very lucky to have such talented musicians as well as director, Mr. Forster.

Tomorrow the Josten’s rep will be here to collect ring orders from mostly sophomores. If they forgot to share with you the packet they received last week we have extras in the main office and will be happy to give your son/daughter another one to bring home. Picture retakes are also tomorrow morning.

Quarter one will end this Friday. All work and assessments must be completed and handed in at the deadline which teachers have shared with their students. Report cards will be handed out next week in advisory. If you would like a copy to mailed home please reach out to either Mrs. Dube or Mrs. Caouette in the main office and they will send one out to you.

There is no school on Friday, November 8th and Monday, November 11th. The teachers have a workshop on Friday and Monday is a holiday.

Something that is new to freshmen is class dues. Class dues are collected to cover the cost of the students’ caps and gowns at graduation as well as pay for part of graduation (flowers, bows on chairs at the ACC, large screen at the Civic Center, etc). They are $80.00 per student and may be paid over the next four years or all in one lump sum. Students should bring their money or check (which can be made out to Messalonskee High School) to the main office. We will in turn give your son/daughter a receipt for payment received. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me at your convenience.

Just a reminder to set your clocks back this weekend as we move into the fall season.

Enjoy the week


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