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Principal’s Pen: December 9-13

Hello All:

As I sit at my dining room table writing this week’s Pen I am reminded of all that is great about MHS. Our student body is one of the best. They are caring, compassionate young men and women who without a moment’s hesitation will put together a fundraising effort to support someone within our communities. They are gifted actors, actresses, athletes, artists, musicians, etc. We have the pleasure of working everyday with future leaders, electricians, teachers, scientists, carpenters, and the list is endless. Thank you for entrusting us with educating your sons/daughters.

We have great things happening in our classrooms and I have attached some photos of what learning looks like at MHS. As I visit our classrooms daily I can attest that great things are happening in them. The photos that are attached are of Mr. Burbank’s Forensic Class, Mr. Felicetti’s Metal Class and the Fast Break Cafe students presenting at the Superintendent’s Showcase.Mr. Burbank’s Forensics Class, Metals, Showcase

In the next week or two we will be reaching out to students for their feedback with regards to the 5 period schedule. There has been some discussion about changing the schedule for the upcoming school year and before we make any decisions we feel it is very important to gather as much input from students as possible. We will keep you informed of the discussion and what, if any, changes will be made.

As always, enjoy the week


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