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MHS Student of the Month – January 2020

Kindness and empathy. Those are special qualities and ones that connect all four January Student of the Month recipients.

Freshman Paige Lenfestey, sophomore Grace Stucco, junior Nathan Bacon, and senior Rosemary Peterson are students who sincerely care about their classmates and don’t hesitate to help them when the opportunity arises.

The teachers who nominated Paige emphasized that she is absolutely genuine in her concern for others because she views such an attitude as the “right thing to do.” Along with being kind and considerate, Paige also works hard on her own studies and has high expectations of herself as a student.

Grace, too, is a dedicated student. She is accomplished as both a student and a scholar. She strives for a high level of mastery in the classroom, going beyond the required content, and in class discussions is a student who ask insightful questions.

Nathan, the junior winner, brings a sense of humor to the classroom that helps brighten the atmosphere to create a pleasant learning environment. When he cannot be in attendance, his absence is felt because the class tends to be quieter and less cheerful.

Senior recipient Rosemary is a dynamo. She has a strong presence in the classroom, communicating her ideas freely and confidently but with utmost respect for her classmates. She is a leader in the music realm, participating in numerous instrumental and choral groups. She also earned top honors for horn in both KV and All-State Band.

Finally, Kate Parker earned this month’s Caught Reading prize.

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