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Underclassmen update 4/2/20

April 2, 2020

Hello All:

First let me say that we miss all of you! The hallways are eerily quiet and we would certainly welcome the laughter, chatter and yes, even yelling right now. We hope that we will soon be seeing you back at MHS.

Next week we are holding a virtual Spirit Week and we invite you and your family to participate. I have posted the schedule below. If you send us a photo each day we will enter your name into a daily drawing. All photos received will be posted on either our webpage, facebook page or tweeted out. We hope that you will consider participating.

Monday: Summer Fun/Hawaiian Day

Tuesday: Favorite Sports Team

Wednesday: Super Hero, in honor of the medical professionals

Thursday: Maine-ah Day

Friday: Eagle Pride Day

On Tuesday, April 7th and Thursday, April 9th we will be meeting with each grade level via Zoom. Mr. Dunbar will be sending out invites through email so please be on the look-out for his message. The purpose of the meeting is to check in with you to see how you are doing and to answer any questions that you may have. We hope that you will participate in these meetings.

Tuesday, April 7th @ 10:00, Seniors

Tuesday, April 7th @ 11:30, Juniors

Thursday, April 9th @ 10:00, Sophomores

Thursday, April 9th @ 11:30, Freshmen

I hope that you are working on the resource folders for each of your classes. There are many who feel that they do not see the significance of doing the work provided but what I would say to you is this, the work that your teachers are putting in their academic resource folders is work that will keep your mind academically focused and you will still be learning but not in the traditional sense. We can’t replicate a normal classroom lesson but we can provide you with resources that will support what you have already learned prior to March 13th. We know that your lives do not resemble what they looked like prior to March 13th and that many of you have had to assume additional responsibilities but I would encourage you to keep moving forward academically by working each day on at least one piece of work. Stay engaged, reach out to your teachers if you have questions, seek guidance from your school counselor if you’re struggling with all that is happening in your life right now. Everyone is here to support you in whatever way we can. 

See you soon!

Ms. Callan


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