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Principal’s Pen: September 8th-11th


What a week we had. It was great to see our students returning to school with smiles on their faces and they were so happy to see their friends and teachers. Teachers were just as excited to see their students and are looking forward to having a successful year.

Emotions were running high last week as there was a report of someone taking pictures of students on campus. After investigating this report it was determined that the individual (a district employee, not a high school teacher) was documenting what they were observing by typing notes in their phone. No photos were taken of students or staff on any of the opening days of school by this person. I believe the issue has been resolved.

Three feet, social distancing, sanitize your hands, and masks are all words that your son/daughter were probably hearing in their sleep after their first day back. I give everyone a lot of credit for doing the best that they could under the circumstances that we are facing. This week will be a good test of how well we can social distance from one another. This will take time to get used to and we will gently be reminding students (and ourselves) to be at least 3′ apart from their peers/colleagues when passing in the hallways. We know that this is going to take time as we are retraining our brains to do things that seem unnatural at times. I truly believe that if everyone gives it their best effort we will be successful and safe!

For those of you who are learning remotely please let us know if you are having difficulty logging into your classes. Our tech team is here to offer their assistance. Some of you still have material to pick up in the main office and you are welcome to do so anytime between the hours of 8:00 am-2:00 pm, Monday-Friday.

My remarks at last week’s school board, “It will take all of us to make this work”, are never more true. This means parents, teachers, students, support staff as well as administrators need to make this year the best that it can be because if we don’t the only ones that will lose are our students and haven’t they already lost enough.

If there is anything that we can do to help the transition for your student please do not hesitate to reach out at your convenience.

Enjoy the week



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