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RSU18 Content

Principal’s Pen: September 21-25

Hello Everyone:

My message this week for students is to stop and take a breath. They are so focused on getting from Point A to Point B and doing things right that they are forgetting to stop and take care of themselves. It is ok to be a few seconds or even a minute late to class because they need to slow down a bit as times are different and personal well-being is very important.

If your son/daughter finds that they need to go home because they are not feeling well they need to be dismissed through the school nurse. Ms. Murphy is more than happy to make those phone calls to parents/guardians when needed. For those students who may be out for a day or two due to not feeling well you can attend your classes remotely. You will have to let your teachers know that you would like to attend class so that they can send you the link.

We are finally started to see some normal activity in and around our building. We just held Student Council elections, our drama students are meeting weekly and are working on short skits that they hope to film and share digitally, the musicians can be heard performing in the parking lot, and the list goes on. It’s nice to see the smiles on the faces of all who are involved in extra-curricular activities.

We are working on the schedule for Parent/Teacher Conferences which are going to be held on October 7th (5:00-8:00) and October 8th (3:00-6:30). As soon as we finalize the schedule we will share it with you so that you can plan accordingly.

Tuesday, September 22nd is an Early Release Day and students will be dismissed at noon time.

On October 14th our freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be participating in the PSAT assessments. Our seniors will have an opportunity to work on their college applications, job shadow, or fulfill their community service hours as they will not be expected to be in school that day. We will be giving them a planned absence for that day which they will need to fill out and return to the main office prior to that date.

I would like to introduce you to two new staff members we have on board. Mr. Delguidice and Mr. DeCoteau are now members of our math department. Both are MHS graduates and we welcome them back in their new roles, as educators. We are waiting for our new social studies teacher to arrive and when he does I will be sure to introduce him to you.

For our remote learners who were unable to join us on picture day last Tuesday we have a photographer from LifeTouch who will be here on Monday, September 21st from 2:00-3:00 to take your picture. Please enter the building using the main building and we will direct you to the location of where they are taking pictures.


As always you are encouraged to reach out whenever you have a question or concern. We continue to improve our in school learning plan and always have the safety and well being of your students and staff in mind whenever making changes.

Enjoy the week


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