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RSU18 Content

Principal’s Pen: October 5th-October 9th

Hello Everyone:

We made it through our first month of school and we’re moving on to October. Let’s hope that Mother Nature has no more surprises up her sleeve.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are October 7th and 8th. If you haven’t already signed up you can do so by going to the main page of the high school website and click on the link provided. Conferences will be held either remotely using google meets or a phone call. We will be closing the sign-up process at the end of the day on October 5th.

We will be hosting our annual flu clinic on October 29th. We will be sending home a letter and permission slip with your son/daughter in the upcoming weeks.

Should your student need to be dismissed from school because they are not feeling well they must see the nurse and she will place the call to you for parent pick-up. I know that a student’s first instinct is to call their parent but with our attempt to keep track of students and their illnesses we would appreciate them seeing Ms. Murphy before going home.

You should have received the weekly update from Mr. Gartley by now. I would like to point out that he has added two additional workshop days for the month of October and those dates are the 16th and 23rd. Students are already out on the 9th and 12th as well.

For the parents of our remote learners we sent you a quick survey via email for you to fill out. We are asking you to indicate whether or not your son/daughter will continue with their remote learning through the second semester. If you did not receive the link to the survey we ask that you give us a call at your convenience to let us know of their plan.

In the event that we have to go 100% remote I have attached the learning expectations for all students. We do not need these forms returned to us as indicated on the bottom of the sheet. Remote Learning Expectations-3.Mr. Gartley will also be sending out a district guide for remote learning to all parents in the near future. I am hopeful that we will not have to go this route but we want to be prepared in case we do.

We would like to recognize the following MMTC students as they have been selected as students of the month for their respective programs: Nathan Allen (CTE Academy), Bryce Little (Carpentry), Harrison Quimby (Construction), Dylan Rodrigue (Information Technology), Dynah Zimba (Medical Careers), Chris Carpenter (Mass Media).

As a school community we would like to thank you for your continued support. I can tell you that everyone from students to staff, custodians to teachers, are working very hard to make things work.

Enjoy the week

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