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RSU18 Content

Update from Ms. Callan 10/22/20

There has been some confusion around the attendance process for when a student is absent as well as the on-line option for learning on those days when a student is home ill. When a parent calls a student out for being ill we will record that absence as AE. If we do not hear from a parent on the day that a student is out we will record that absence as AU. We do this for two reasons: the first being it is important for us to know where a student is in the event that we are forced to either lockdown our facility or evacuate, it also allows a student to make-up work when they are absent excused. This year whether a student is marked AE or AU we are encouraging them to reach out to their teachers, and if they are up to it, participate in remote learning. 

As we know flu and cold season is upon us and as previously mentioned in other correspondence we ask that if your son or daughter are not feeling well to please keep them home until they are feeling better. Also, if your son or daughter does have a COVID test at some point would you please reach out to the nurse to let her know the test results. This will not only help us with being able to support you and your student but we need that information for our records. 

We appreciate your support and hope that you and your family remain healthy.

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