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Principal’s Pen: November 9-13

Hello Everyone:

My new mantra this year is, “Everyday we’re in school is a good day”.  We have been very fortunate that we have been able to be in school for almost 3 months. It certainly has been a team effort to be able to do this. We are finding that we have to do some gentle reminding with regards to the wearing of masks as well as social distancing but that is all it is, gentle reminding.

Your son/daughter should be bringing home their report card either today or tomorrow. There are a few we will have to mail home because the student is either on probation or ineligible for participation in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities. Those should be arriving at home in the next couple of days.

Just a reminder that this Wednesday there is no school as it is Veteran’s Day. The following week is a five day week (November 16-20) and the one after that (November 23-27) is a two day week due to Thanksgiving Break.

Each month I would like to share with you the names and pictures of those who are working so hard to ensure that our students’ needs are being met. This month I would like to introduce you to Ross Cote and Doris Michaud. (Ross ,Doris). Ross and Doris are members of our IT team who work so diligently to make sure that our students and staff have the technology that they need for learning and teaching. Should your remote learner have any technology glitches please reach out to either Ross or Doris by calling the high school and asking for extension 4251.

May you and your family remain healthy and safe


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