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RSU18 Content

Principal’s Pen: November 16-20


Well here we go…. this is a 5 day week and our mantra is going to be WE CAN DO THIS! While we’re all experiencing a little bit of COVID fatigue I am in awe of how well our communities, students, parents and staff are doing. While we all may not be in agreement with the State guidelines and restrictions I am very appreciative of everyone who is doing their part to keep their children and families safe. We will continue to keep our school open as long as we can and I hope that we have many more days and weeks ahead to do this.

When we return from Thanksgiving Break we will be sending out via email a survey similar to the one sent out over the summer asking you to indicate whether your son/daughter will be an in-person learner or remote learner for second semester. Please keep in mind when answering the questions that are asked that your responses be connected to your concern regarding the current health crisis connected to the COVID virus. We have had a few situations where students have opted for remote learning because it was more convenient for them to remain at home than come to school. Remote learning is not easy and requires a great deal of self-discipline and on-line daily attendance so please keep this in mind when making your decision. Of course, we will continue to support every student’s decision and help them in anyway we can.

As you gather with family over the upcoming holidays please keep in mind that if you travel to one of the states not exempt from a 14 day quarantine or test that you may not return to school until one of these two requirements have been met. This is not something that we can monitor so we ask that you follow the district protocol to the best of your ability.

I wish you and your family a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving.


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