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Principal’s Pen: January 25-29

Hello Everyone:

It was nice to see everyone this morning. When you’re working in a building without any students or staff the energy level is nil and the atmosphere is eerily quiet. I am hopeful that with social distancing both in school and out, the wearing of masks, sanitizing as often as possible and folks staying home should they exhibit any of the symptoms associated with the virus that we will make it to February break. There will be no school on Friday, February 12th as it is a teach workshop day.

Attention Remote Learners: We have many materials waiting for you to pick up in the main office. Our office hours are 7:00-4:00, Monday-Friday. Please swing by and pick these items up as soon as possible.

I would like to congratulate all those who were inducted into the National Honor Society last week. This is a great accomplishment for both the students and their parents who have supported them over the past three or four years.

I am sharing with you a photo collage of work that students in Mr. Felicetti’s wood classes completed last quarter. As you will see we have some very talented students here at MHS. C. Felicetti class

We hope to have report cards available for distribution next week. Just a reminder that we do not mail home report cards unless a student is either designated as being on academic probation or ineligible to participate in co/extra-curricular activities. Should you wish to have a copy mailed home please reach out to us and we will be happy to send you a copy.

Students will soon be getting their course registration forms for the 2021-2022 school year. I will be emailing the forms to all remote learners and would ask that they return them to their counselor by the date indicated on the form.

Believe it or not the seniors have less than four months remaining in their high school career. I will begin meeting with the senior class officers and their advisors this week to begin planning the events associated with graduation. This is an exciting time of year as well as a bittersweet time. As much as the students are looking to move on from high school they are stressed about the unknown; post-graduation plans. If there is anything that we can do to calm the fears of your student please do not hesitate to reach out at your convenience.

Enjoy the day


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