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Principal’s Pen: May 3-7

Happy May Everyone:

With only five weeks left of school the time is going to fly right by. This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I would like to publicly thank each of the MHS staff members who have made this year as normal and successful as possible. Many hours above and beyond the regular school day were spent making sure that your student had the support and education that they deserved.

I would like to congratulate Paige Dudley for being selected this year’s MMTC student of the month. Paige is enrolled in the Wilderness and Outdoor program where she has excelled this year.

Plans are being solidified for all the graduation celebrations. Two letters were mailed home to all senior parents that outlined each activity. You can also find this information on our high school webpage. One that I would like to invite everyone to is the Senior Parade on June 1st beginning at 6:15 pm. This activity is now a favorite amongst the students and so I hope that you will be able to line the streets of Oakland and cheer on the Class of 2021.

Our Messalonskee players have been rehearsing for their performance of, It Runs In The Family. The first show is Friday, May 14th at 7:00 pm and we are pleased to announce that we will be allowing up to 50 guests to attend the performance.

I have attached for you a copy of the spring final exam schedule for both seniors and the underclassmen. As I mentioned above the end of the year is fast approaching and students are gearing up to close out the school year.

Spring 2021 Final Exam Schedule

I know that I have said this many times but I will say it one more time, thank you. Thank you for the support you have extended over the course of this crazy and unpredictable year. Thank you for always being there for your student whose educational and extra-curricular activities resembled nothing that they have ever experienced before. I hope as a family you are able to enjoy all the wonder that Maine has to offer and take a moment to reconnect and celebrate each other.

Enjoy the week


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