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Principal’s Pen: October 4-8

Hello Everyone:

Just a reminder that Parent/Teacher conferences are this Wednesday and Thursday evening. All meetings will be conducted virtually. I have provided the link for those who have not had an opportunity to sign-up yet. The portal for signing up will close tomorrow at 8:00 pm. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084eaca82ea2fb6-artstrades

All seniors should be turning in their planned absence form for October 13th as soon as possible. They have the option of completing college applications, college visits, looking for employment, completing community service hours. All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be participating in either PSAT or NWEA testing.

I have attached the schedule for Homecoming 2021. The schedule will also be uploaded to the high school website in the next day or two. We hope you are able to join us for the many activities that will be taking place. Homecoming 2021 Schedule

Don’t forget that there is no school this Friday or next Monday. Enjoy the long weekend.


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