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RSU18 Content

Principal’s Pen: November 8-12


This is a short week for students as the 10th of November is Veteran’s Day and the 11th is a workshop day for teachers. For planning purposes Thanksgiving Break will begin on November 24th. The Robotics team has asked that I share with you that they will be holding their annual craft fair at MHS on Saturday, November 20th from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Our drama students will be presenting the play, 12 Angry Jurors, on November 19th (7:00 pm), November 20th (7:00 pm), and November 21st (2:00 pm). We hope that you are able to take in one of these shows. Our winter athletes will begin their season on November 22nd. Swimmers, wrestlers, basketball players and indoor track athletes are looking forward to beginning their seasons.

Our student body has done a great job adhering to the mask protocol. Occasionally, we have to remind them to make sure that the masks cover both their noses and mouths but we recognize that when worn for a lengthy period of time the masks can stretch and become uncomfortable. I would like to extend a thank you for your support with this expectation.

The teachers have asked me to share with you that when your son/daughter is absent that they can find their lessons in google classroom. Having these lessons available to the students will hopefully alleviate the stress that they may have around trying to make up their work. Should they run into an assignment that proves to be problematic to them they can always email the teacher and they will respond as soon as they can.

I wish you and your family a very peaceful Thanksgiving.


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