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Principal’s Pen: January 31-February 4


I hope you all made it through the weekend storm unscathed. It’s been a number of years since we had a good old fashion snowstorm and this one lived up to what the weather folks were predicting. Rumor has it there is another storm scheduled for the end of the week but this one brings rain and more snow.

Last week we recognized our January Students of the Month as well as the Eagle Excellence recipient. Congratulations to all!

Gr. 9:    Joe Sardano and Nathan Hurdle (was our December Freshman of the Month)

Gr. 10: Grayson Podey

Gr. 11: Emma Rhoda

Gr. 12: Rebekah Bucknam

Eagle Excellence Recipient: Mr. Keith Derosby

Students in grades 9-11 will receive their course registration forms for the 2022-2023 school year. All forms are due back to their school counselors by the end of school this Friday, February 4th. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school counselors for any questions you may have about which courses your student should be signing up for.

All students will be receiving their report cards this afternoon. If you would like to have a copy of your student’s report card mailed home to you please reach out to Sarah Dube in the main office and she will be happy to send one to you.

A reminder to seniors that one of the graduation requirements is 40 hours of community service. If you have already completed your hours but have not handed in the volunteer form please do so as soon as possible as this will be one less thing you have to worry about the closer we get to graduation. Several students have asked if the hours were going to be waived this year and the answer is no. We are pretty flexible when it comes to what the students have done for community service in light of COVID still being present in our community.

We will conducting a lock down drill this Wednesday. Teachers will be reviewing with students the safety steps that they would take if this were a real situation. I share this with you in case your son/daughter tells you that we had a lock down without giving you the specifics.

As always if there is anyway that the school can support you and your family during the winter months please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Enjoy the week




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