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Principal’s Pen: February 7-11

Happy Monday Everyone:

There isn’t much to write about this week but I did want to share with you some important upcoming dates. On March 8th we will open up the portal for parents to sign up for the March Parent/Teacher conferences. These conferences will take place March 16th (3:00-6:00) and March 17th (4:00-7:00).  We will be offering an in-person option as well as a zoom option. If you run into any difficulty signing up for your conferences you can reach out to Cassie Marden in the guidance office.

Our Winter Break will run the week of February 21-25. This would be a good time for seniors to either complete their community service hours or get a jump start on them. Just a reminder that seniors who have been at MHS for all four years have to complete 40 hours and for those who transferred in to MHS have to complete 10 hours for every year they have attended school with us.

I would encourage all seniors to begin looking at the scholarships that are available through our guidance office. If you visit the guidance webpage you will see about half way down a list of offerings that the counselors provide. Click on the word Scholarship and that link will take you directly to the list of scholarships that are available locally, state wide as well as nationally. Getting a jump start on this applications can reduce the stress of doing so later in the spring. All three school counselors can certainly help students with any questions that they may have.

I am going to make a request that might help alleviate some of the chaos in the main office at the end of the day. I am asking that if you plan of calling to dismiss your son/daughter at the end of the day that you try to do so by 2:00 pm. The same would go for calling in a bus note. This will help in assuring that the secretaries have enough time to take your call and dismiss your student. Thank you for helping us out with this request.

I hear that another storm may be on the way for late tonight and tomorrow morning so please be safe if you have to be outside and/or on the roads.

Enjoy the week


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