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French Program Updates

By: Sylvie Magri, Messalonskee High School French Instructor

All students taking French this semester at Messalonskee High School participated in the Manie Musicale 2023. The Manie Musicale is where students from all over the world vote for their favorite song in French during the whole month of March. Our students memorized parts of songs and listened to different artists from various French-speaking countries. They made posters to illustrate their favorite songs.

Four MHS students traveled with their teacher to France and Spain during the April school vacation. They had a great opportunity to practice their French and experience French culture firsthand. They visited several historical sites in the south of France and Paris. One of the travelers, Emma Rhoda, will be going next year to the American University in Paris  for her 4-year undergraduate program! This is what she has to say about her recent school trip:

I’ve been taking French since sixth grade, and two weeks ago I had the opportunity to apply my learning in France. With other French students, I spent a week exploring everything not taught in a textbook‒ getting lost in the Louvre, dancing on the bridge to Avignon, and eating bread at every meal. If I hadn’t had the opportunity to take French through my senior year of high school, I wouldn’t have had the knowledge necessary to benefit from a trip to France‒ to pick up on conversations on the street or understand the nuances of buying a snack. More comprehensive and impactful than any final exam, traveling to France revealed the lively, beating heart of a subject I had only encountered in a classroom and compelled me to continue my education in France. For that, I have Madame Magri and the French program to thank.

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