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RSU18 Content

Principal’s Pen: January 10th-14th


As I am sure you have heard the number of cases we are seeing at MHS have certainly increased over the last week. We are asking that if your son or daughter is exhibiting any of the symptoms connected to COVID to please keep them home until they are symptom free for 24 hours. I have had a few students reach out asking how we conduct contract tracing as they feel they should be notified when a student tests positive in their classes. The process to determine who is a close contact is cumbersome and requires us to talk directly with the student who is ill so we can get as accurate information as possible. For future reference we will be asking your son or daughter who they sit beside during lunch, study hall, GST, and privileges. We rely on the seating charts from teachers to figure out who sits beside, in front of or in back of the student who tests positive. We then check the attendance for each class to make sure that those who would have been in direct contact with the positive student was actually in class on the same days as the ill student. We no longer report close contacts to the CDC but we do notify parents if their son or daughter is considered a close contact. We also are no longer required to do contact tracing outside of school or for any after school activities. I apologize for the number of notices that you may be receiving as I know that several of you received upwards of four notices last week. Our students are doing a great job wearing their masks when they are in school and we have reminded them to use the hand sanitizer whenever possible and to socially distance as much as they can. One change that has occurred recently is we are asking our students to wait in the PAC, instead of clustering in the hallways, prior to the start of period 1. This will allow them to spread out but still socialize with their peers. We are hopeful that this recent spike is temporary and that our school will return to being as normal as possible.

Just a reminder that the Maine Steiners will be performing this Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the PAC. Please join us if you are able as I am sure this will be a great performance.

Final exams will be administered next week and I have once again attached the schedule for your convenience. 2021-2022 First Semester Final Exam Schedule Buses will still be providing transportation to and from school. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to either your student’s teachers or someone in the main office.  There will be no school on January 17th as that is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and there will also be no school on Monday, January 24th as that is a teacher workshop day.

I hope you all are able to remain healthy. Enjoy the day


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