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Principal’s Pen

  1. Principal’s Pen: March 1-5

    March 3, 2021

    Hello Everyone: We find ourselves approaching the one year mark when life as we knew it took a sudden turn. I am feeling very optimistic that we are moving in… Read More

  2. Principal’s Pen: February 8-12

    February 8, 2021

    Happy February Everyone: We are thrilled to announce that our drama students, along with director, Ethan Wright, will be presenting Tuck Everlasting this Friday, February 12th (7:00 pm), Saturday, February… Read More

  3. Principal’s Pen: January 25-29

    January 25, 2021

    Hello Everyone: It was nice to see everyone this morning. When you’re working in a building without any students or staff the energy level is nil and the atmosphere is… Read More

  4. Principal’s Pen: January 20-22

    January 20, 2021

    Hello All: We would like to congratulate the following students who were recently selected to participate in the Maine All State Chorus: Julia Bard, Chantelle Flores, Kimberely Spears, Madeline Wohlford,… Read More

  5. Principal’s Pen: January 4th-8th

    December 31, 2020

    Happy New Year: We are so looking forward to the start of second semester but before we do so I wanted to take an opportunity to share some important dates… Read More

  6. Principal’s Pen: December 16-25

    December 16, 2020

    Thank you are two words that have a meaning larger than life right now. I would like to say thank you to our students who have shown amazing resiliency over… Read More

  7. Principal’s Pen: November 23-27

    November 23, 2020

    Hello: This is the time of year when we traditionally gather with family and friends to celebrate all that is good in our lives and to remember those who have… Read More

  8. Principal’s Pen: November 9-13

    November 9, 2020

    Hello Everyone: My new mantra this year is, “Everyday we’re in school is a good day”.  We have been very fortunate that we have been able to be in school… Read More

  9. Principal’s Pen: November 2-6

    November 2, 2020

    Hello Everyone: We have a short week this week with Friday being a workshop day for teachers. Next week is also a four day week as Veteran’s Day will be… Read More

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