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Principal’s Pen

  1. Principal’s Pen: June 3-7

    June 3, 2019

    Well, what an exciting week to be a high school senior! You can feel the energy and excitement when you enter the building. Marching practice went off without a hitch… Read More

  2. Principal’s Pen: May 13-17

    May 14, 2019

    Good Morning: Eighteen days until Graduation seems hard to believe. The seniors are gearing up for finals, marching practice, senior last assembly and finally, the main event, Graduation. The underclassmen… Read More

  3. Principal’s Pen: April 30-May 3

    May 1, 2019

    Happy Spring, Finally! We are nearing the home stretch and things are getting pretty busy here at MHS. Our AP students will begin their testing next week, seniors are gearing… Read More

  4. Principal’s Pen: April 1-5

    April 1, 2019

    Happy Spring: While this month is a short one we have a lot of fun and exciting events happening at MHS. On the 12th we will celebrating the completion of… Read More

  5. Principal’s Pen: March 18-22

    March 18, 2019

    Happy Spring Everyone: The end is in sight! Students have begun to sign up for the Y.E.S. Program (Year End Studies). There are many unique learning opportunities for students to… Read More

  6. Principal’s Pen: March 4-8

    March 5, 2019

    Good Afternoon: Well I guess Punxsutawny Phil had other plans for us…maybe we’re finally in the clear of any more winter storms. We have many students to recognize this month… Read More

  7. Principal’s Pen: February 27th

    February 27, 2019

    Good Afternoon: I wanted to let everyone know that the portal for scheduling Parent/Teacher Conferences is open. I have attached the link that you can go to to schedule your… Read More

  8. Principal’s Pen: February 11-15

    February 12, 2019

    Good Morning: It looks like we’re having to face another winter storm this week. Just when you thought that Spring might be right around the corner. February vacation is next… Read More

  9. Principal’s Pen: January 14-18

    January 14, 2019

    Good Morning: Just a reminder that students will be taking final exams this week. I have attached the schedule for your review Final Exam Schedule. Students who attend MMTC are… Read More

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