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School News

  1. MHS Students of the Month – May 2019

    June 4, 2019

    The May Student of the Month assembly proved to be a clean sweep for the girls as freshman Emma Palleschi, sophomore Brooke Martin, junior Rebecca Bourque, and senior Emma Kennard… Read More

  2. Principal’s Pen: June 3-7

    June 3, 2019

    Well, what an exciting week to be a high school senior! You can feel the energy and excitement when you enter the building. Marching practice went off without a hitch… Read More

  3. Principal’s Pen: May 13-17

    May 14, 2019

    Good Morning: Eighteen days until Graduation seems hard to believe. The seniors are gearing up for finals, marching practice, senior last assembly and finally, the main event, Graduation. The underclassmen… Read More

  4. MHS Student of the Month – April 2019

    May 14, 2019

    The assembly for the April Student of the Month recipients featured an all-boys’ lineup for the first time.   Freshman Xavier Colfer, sophomore Zack Bean, junior Ethan Burton, and senior… Read More

  5. MHS Spring Fling 2019

    May 14, 2019

    Spring Fling started off as an opportunity for students to get community service hours after volunteerism became a graduation requirement, according to Messalonskee principal Paula Callan. But the event, now… Read More

  6. MHS An All Eastern Perspective

    May 9, 2019

    An All Eastern Perspective Kevin Rhein, RSU18 Choral Director On April second through April seventh, Messalonskee High School Junior, Molly Glueck embarked on a musical adventure of a lifetime. After… Read More

  7. MHS Vision Screening for Freshmen

    May 6, 2019

    Maine Law, Title 20-A MRSA Chapter 2902 in health screening of students, mandates school nurses to perform vision screening on freshmen.  Students who are prescribed corrective lenses will be screened… Read More

  8. Principal’s Pen: April 30-May 3

    May 1, 2019

    Happy Spring, Finally! We are nearing the home stretch and things are getting pretty busy here at MHS. Our AP students will begin their testing next week, seniors are gearing… Read More

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